Harry Ernst Wierwille
Harry Ernst Wierwille was the original secretary-treasurer of The Way International
The Way International
The Way International is a non denominational Christian ministry based in New Knoxville, Ohio, with home fellowships located in the United States and in over 30 other countries. It was founded by Victor Paul Wierwille in 1942 as a radio program, and became The Chimes Hour Youth Caravan in 1947, and...

, as well as the brother of Victor Paul Wierwille
Victor Paul Wierwille
Victor Paul Wierwille was the founder of The Way International .-Biography:He was raised in and later ordained by the Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1941, and he officially left that church in 1957...

. He was affectionately known as Uncle Harry to Way followers.

Harry Wierwille owned a furniture store and was quite successful in his business. He was known for his generosity and humor. According to Uncle Harry, a book published by American Christian Press
American Christian Press
American Christian Press serves as the publishing arm of The Way International Biblical research, teaching and fellowship ministry, operating out of New Knoxville, Ohio.-Wierwille, Victor Paul.:* Power for Abundant Living . ISBN 0-910068-01-1...

, the publishing arm of The Way International, he would empty his checkbook every year except for $1, giving all of the money to The Way. Despite this, he said he never lacked for any material possessions.
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