Hammock activity
A Hammock activity is a schedule (project management)
Schedule (project management)
In project management, a schedule consists of a list of a project's terminal elements with intended start and finish dates. Terminal elements are the lowest element in a schedule, which is not further subdivided...

 or project planning
Project planning
Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the project environment....

 term for a grouping of subtasks that "hangs" between two end dates it is tied to.

A Hammock activity groups subtasks which are not related in the hierarchical sense of a Work Breakdown Structure
Work breakdown structure
A work breakdown structure , in project management and systems engineering, is a deliverable oriented decomposition of a project into smaller components. It defines and groups a project's discrete work elements in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project.A work...


A Hammock activity groups subtasks which are not related in a logical sense of a dependency (project management)
Dependency (project management)
In a project network, a dependency is a link amongst a project's terminal elements.There are four kinds of dependencies with respect to ordering terminal elements :# Finish to start...

where one subtask must wait for another.

  • Group dissimilar activities that lead to an overall capability, such as preparations under a summary label, e.g. "vacation preparation";
  • Group unrelated items for the purpose of a summary such as a calendar-based reporting period, e.g. "First quarter plans";
  • Group ongoing or overhead activities that run the length of an effort, e.g. "project management"

The duration of the hammock activity (the size of the hammock) may also be set by the subtasks within it, so that the abstract grouping has a start date of the earliest of any of the subtasks and the finish date is the latest of any of the contents.

External links

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