Hall of Kings
The Hall of Kings is a fictional place in the Shannara
Shannara is an epic fantasy series of novels written by Terry Brooks, beginning with The Sword of Shannara in 1977 and continuing through Bearers of the Black Staff which was released on August 24, 2010, as well as a prequel, First King of Shannara...

series, written by Terry Brooks
Terry Brooks
Terence Dean "Terry" Brooks is an American writer of fantasy fiction. He writes mainly epic fantasy, and has also written two movie novelizations. He has written 23 New York Times bestsellers during his writing career, and has over 21 million copies of his books in print...


The Hall

The Hall of Kings is a series of chambers that are said to be built several centuries before. The chambers are filled with dangerous traps and creatures which trespassers must face. The first chamber is filled with stone sphinxes that turn anyone who looks at them to stone. The sphinxes also uses telekinetic powers to force people to look at them. The second chamber is full of shrieking banshees that will gradually drive you insane. The third chamber is actually a sort of vault, being filled with treasure chests, jewels, gold and such. However, they are coated with a venom that kills with just a touch. The fourth, and last, chamber is guarded by the serpent Valg. There are only a few people who are known to prevail over these obstacles.They are: the band of fighters in The Sword of Shannara
The Sword of Shannara
The Sword of Shannara is a 1977 epic fantasy novel by Terry Brooks. The first book of the Original Shannara Trilogy, it was followed by The Elfstones of Shannara and The Wishsong of Shannara. Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and historical adventure fiction, Brooks began writing...

series, and Walker Boh
Walker Boh
Walker Boh is a fictional character from Terry Brooks' Heritage of Shannara and The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara series....

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