Hakan Erdogmus
Hakan Erdogmus is a software engineering researcher and consultant based in Ottawa, Canada. He is the founder and owner of Kalemun Research Inc. His expertise lies in software development practices and processes and the economics of software development, with a special focus on agile software development. He has been invoved in the agile software development community since 2001. He was program co-chair of XP/Agile Universe in 2004, and the general chair of XP 2010 held in Trondheim, Norway.
Hakan Erdogmus has 15 years of post-graduate experience working on software engineering processes with industrial and academic partners and lecturing on a diverse set of topics pertaining to software process, quality, and economics.
Hakan Erdogmus is the Editor in Chief of IEEE Software
. He writes a regular column in IEEE Software
. He holds an adjuct faculty appointment at the University of Calgary’s Department of Computer Science, where he occasionally teaches graduate courses. He is an affiliate faculty member in the Bogaziçi University Computer Engineering Department’s Software Research Laboratory.
From January 1995 to June 2009, Hakan Erdogmus worked for the Canadian National Research Council’s Institute for Information Technology, a federal government research laboratory. Between 2002 to 2009, he led the Agile and Collaborative Practices and Software Economics research threads in the Software Engineering Group. Before joining NRC, he worked at INRS-Télécommunications, Montreal, for a year as a research associate advancing and applying his PhD work on the validation and synthesis of communication protocols.
Hakan Erdogmus co-edited two software engineering books, Advances in Software Engineering: Comprehension, Evaluation and Evolution and Value-Based Software Engineering, both published by Springer.
Hakan Erdogmus obtained his Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications in 1994 from Université du Québec’s Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS). He holds a M.Sc. degree from McGill University’s School of Computer Science in Montreal (1989) and a B.Sc. degree from Bogaziçi University’s Computer Engineering Department in Istanbul (1986).
Hakan Erdogmus is a member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and Agile Alliance.
Hakan's weblog can be found at http://hakanerdogmus.net.
Hakan Erdogmus has 15 years of post-graduate experience working on software engineering processes with industrial and academic partners and lecturing on a diverse set of topics pertaining to software process, quality, and economics.
Hakan Erdogmus is the Editor in Chief of IEEE Software
IEEE Software
IEEE Software is a broad-based practitioner-oriented magazine of IEEE Computer Society targeting software professionals, including business analysts, requirements engineers, designers, architects, developers, process improvement experts, testers, quality engineers, and project managers...
. He writes a regular column in IEEE Software
IEEE Software
IEEE Software is a broad-based practitioner-oriented magazine of IEEE Computer Society targeting software professionals, including business analysts, requirements engineers, designers, architects, developers, process improvement experts, testers, quality engineers, and project managers...
. He holds an adjuct faculty appointment at the University of Calgary’s Department of Computer Science, where he occasionally teaches graduate courses. He is an affiliate faculty member in the Bogaziçi University Computer Engineering Department’s Software Research Laboratory.
From January 1995 to June 2009, Hakan Erdogmus worked for the Canadian National Research Council’s Institute for Information Technology, a federal government research laboratory. Between 2002 to 2009, he led the Agile and Collaborative Practices and Software Economics research threads in the Software Engineering Group. Before joining NRC, he worked at INRS-Télécommunications, Montreal, for a year as a research associate advancing and applying his PhD work on the validation and synthesis of communication protocols.
Hakan Erdogmus co-edited two software engineering books, Advances in Software Engineering: Comprehension, Evaluation and Evolution and Value-Based Software Engineering, both published by Springer.
Hakan Erdogmus obtained his Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications in 1994 from Université du Québec’s Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS). He holds a M.Sc. degree from McGill University’s School of Computer Science in Montreal (1989) and a B.Sc. degree from Bogaziçi University’s Computer Engineering Department in Istanbul (1986).
Hakan Erdogmus is a member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and Agile Alliance.
Hakan's weblog can be found at http://hakanerdogmus.net.