Haakon Sløgedal
Haakon Sløgedal was a Norwegian politician for the Christian Democratic Party.

He was born in Holme
Holum is a former municipality in Vest-Agder county in Norway. It is located in the northern part of the present-day municipality of Mandal.-Name:...


He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament from Vest-Agder
In the 16th century, Dutch merchant vessels began to visit ports in southern Norway to purchase salmon and other goods. Soon thereafter the export of timber began, as oak from southern Norway was exceptionally well suited for shipbuilding...

 in 1961, and was re-elected in the 1962 revote and the 1965 general election.

Sløgedal was a member of Søgne
Søgne is a municipality in Vest-Agder county, Norway. Søgne was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 . Greipstad was separated from Søgne on 1 July 1913....

municipality council between 1995 and 1967, serving as deputy mayor in the periods 1957–1959, 1959–1963 and 1963–1965.
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