Guillaume Veau
Guillaume Veau or Viaux, described as a maistre (master of arts), was a thirteenth-century trouvère
Trouvère , sometimes spelled trouveur , is the Northern French form of the word trobador . It refers to poet-composers who were roughly contemporary with and influenced by the troubadours but who composed their works in the northern dialects of France...

. Three chansons courtoises are attributed to him in the Vatican manuscript
  • J'ai amé trestout mon vivant
  • Meudre achoison n'euc onques de chanter
  • S'amours loiaus m'a fait soufrir

The first two of these are unica, that is, they appear in no other source. They both end on a note other than the tonal centre of the first four phrases. The "moderately florid" melodies of all three are written in bar form
Bar form
Bar form is a musical form of the pattern AAB.-Original Use:The term comes from the rigorous terminology of the Meistersinger guilds of the 15th to 18th century who used it to describe their songs and the songs of the predecessors, the minnesingers of the 12th to 14th century...

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