Grevillea humifusa
Grevillea humifusa, also known as Spreading Grevillea, is a prostrate shrub
Prostrate shrub
A prostrate shrub is a woody plant, most of the branches of which lie upon or just under the ground, rather than being held erect as are the branches of most trees and shrubs....

 found only in a localised area in Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...

 and is considered critically endangered in the wild.


The trailing stems, extending up to 3 metres in length from a lignotuber
A lignotuber is a starchy swelling of the root crown possessed by some plants as a protection against destruction of the plant stem by fire. The crown contains buds from which new stems may sprout, and a sufficient store of nutrients to support a period of growth in the absence of...

, support grey-green leaves which are 1.5 to 2 cm long. The pink to red flowers appear during spring. They occur in racemes, up to 2 cm long, at the end of branches.


The species is only found in a single population near Eneabba
Eneabba, Western Australia
Eneabba is a town on the Brand Highway located 278 km north of Perth, Western Australia.The area is famous for its spectacular display of wildflowers in the spring. It is also home to the Iluka Resources mineral sands facility....

, south of Geraldton
Geraldton, Western Australia
Geraldton is a city and port in Western Australia located north of Perth in the Mid West region. Geraldton has an estimated population at June 2010 of 36,958...

. The land that the 1500 plants are found on comprises private pasture
Pasture is land used for grazing. Pasture lands in the narrow sense are enclosed tracts of farmland, grazed by domesticated livestock, such as horses, cattle, sheep or swine. The vegetation of tended pasture, forage, consists mainly of grasses, with an interspersion of legumes and other forbs...

 and adjoining road reserves.


Specimens of Grevillea humifusa were originally collected by H. Demarz of Kings Park and Botanic Garden
Kings Park, Western Australia
Kings Park is a park located on the western edge of Perth, Western Australia central business district. The park is a mixture of grassed parkland, botanical gardens and natural bushland on Mount Eliza with two thirds of the grounds conserved as native bushland. With panoramic views of the Swan...

 from the Eneabba area in 1968.

Prior to attaining species status, Grevillea humifusa was known by the following synonym
Synonyms are different words with almost identical or similar meanings. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. The word comes from Ancient Greek syn and onoma . The words car and automobile are synonyms...

  • Grevillea sp. Eragilga P. Olde
  • Grevillea thelemanniana
    Grevillea thelemanniana
    The Spider-net Grevillea is a small, spreading shrub which is endemic to Western Australia. The pink or red flowers appear between late autumn and late spring. The species occurs in the Perth region in low-lowing areas on sandy and sandy-clay soils which are generally wet in the winter...

    'form e' D.J.McGillivray & R.O.Makinson (1993)

Additionally, it was known by the following names in cultivation:
  • Grevillea thelemanniana (prostrate form)
  • Grevillea thelemanniana (grey-leaf form)

Endangered status

Grevillea humifusa is considered to be under threat in its native habitat and has received legislative protection at both state and federal level as follows:
  • Declared (in 1996) as "Rare Flora" under the Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act 1950
    Wildlife Conservation Act 1950
    The Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 is an act of the Western Australian Parliament that provides the statute relating to conservation and legal protection of flora and fauna....

  • Listed as "Endangered" under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
    The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is an Act of the Parliament of Australia that provides a framework for protection of the Australian environment, including its biodiversity and its natural and culturally significant places...

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