Green Party – Green Alternative
Green Party – Green Alternative is centrist, regional, green and minor non-parliamentary party in Croatia
. It was registered in Pula in 2003 as "Democratic Green Union – The Greens" (Croatian: Demokratski savez zelenih – Zeleni) http://hidra.hr/stranke/s033510h.htm. It is one of seven green parties in Croatia. It is led by Josip-Anton Rupnik, who got elected in 2005 local elections for Istrian County Council on the Croatian People's Party/Liberal Party
(HNS/LS) coalition list.
This green party is against the legalization of drugshttp://www.rtl.hr/izbori/vijest/12624/ and pro-natalist
Croatia , officially the Republic of Croatia , is a unitary democratic parliamentary republic in Europe at the crossroads of the Mitteleuropa, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean. Its capital and largest city is Zagreb. The country is divided into 20 counties and the city of Zagreb. Croatia covers ...
. It was registered in Pula in 2003 as "Democratic Green Union – The Greens" (Croatian: Demokratski savez zelenih – Zeleni) http://hidra.hr/stranke/s033510h.htm. It is one of seven green parties in Croatia. It is led by Josip-Anton Rupnik, who got elected in 2005 local elections for Istrian County Council on the Croatian People's Party/Liberal Party
Liberal Party (Croatia)
Liberal Party was a Croatian political party active between January 1998 and April 2006. During its existence the party ran in two general elections and in each election won two seats in the 151-seat Sabor. LS was a member of Liberal International and the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party...
(HNS/LS) coalition list.
This green party is against the legalization of drugshttp://www.rtl.hr/izbori/vijest/12624/ and pro-natalist
Natalism is a belief that promotes human reproduction. The term is taken from the Latin adjective form for "birth", natalis. Natalism promotes child-bearing and glorifies parenthood...