Green Party of Michigan
The Green Party of Michigan is the state party organization for Michigan
of the Green Party of the United States
. The party has had ballot access in Michigan since November 2000. JoAnne Beemon, who is credited with thwarting construction of a Wal-Mart store, became the first Green elected in Michigan when on election day 2000 she received 5,349 votes (86%) to become Drain Commissioner in Charlevoix County
. The party is a member of the Michigan Third Parties Coalition. The party works closely with the Socialist Party of Michigan
, often cross-nominating candidates because the Socialist Party has not achieved its own ballot line.
Korine Bachleda won the office of Newberg Township Clerk in 2006 as a write-in candidate, then later asked the Cass County Clerk's office to list her as a Green. She won re-election in 2008 as a Green, having been nominated by GPMI at its State Convention.
Michigan is a U.S. state located in the Great Lakes Region of the United States of America. The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake"....
of the Green Party of the United States
Green Party (United States)
The Green Party of the United States is a nationally recognized political party which officially formed in 1991. It is a voluntary association of state green parties. Prior to national formation, many state affiliates had already formed and were recognized by other state parties...
. The party has had ballot access in Michigan since November 2000. JoAnne Beemon, who is credited with thwarting construction of a Wal-Mart store, became the first Green elected in Michigan when on election day 2000 she received 5,349 votes (86%) to become Drain Commissioner in Charlevoix County
Charlevoix County, Michigan
-Airports:*Beaver Island is served by two airlines:**Welke Airport**Beaver Island Airport-Ferry service:*Beaver Island Boat Company maintains a regular auto ferry from Charlevoix:*The Ironton Ferry at Ironton, Michigan crosses the south arm of Lake Charlevoix...
. The party is a member of the Michigan Third Parties Coalition. The party works closely with the Socialist Party of Michigan
Socialist Party of Michigan
The Socialist Party of Michigan is the state chapter of the Socialist Party USA in the U.S. state of Michigan.-Formation:The Socialist Party of Michigan was the state affiliate of the Socialist Party of America , established in the summer of 1901...
, often cross-nominating candidates because the Socialist Party has not achieved its own ballot line.
Elected officials
As of June 2011 there were 3 elected Green officeholders in Michigan.- Scott Klein, City Council, Hamtramck
- David Newland, School Board Trustee, Bellaire
- Korine Bachleda, Township Clerk, Newberg Township
Korine Bachleda won the office of Newberg Township Clerk in 2006 as a write-in candidate, then later asked the Cass County Clerk's office to list her as a Green. She won re-election in 2008 as a Green, having been nominated by GPMI at its State Convention.
External links
- Green Party of Michigan (Official site)