Green Party of Colorado
The Green Party of Colorado is the state party organization for Colorado
of the Green Party
The Green Party of Colorado first attempted to qualify for statewide ballot status in 1994. While the party was unsuccessful in gaining ballot access, the party did qualify for Qualified Political Organization status. This made it possible to register as a Green in Colorado.
The Green Party of Colorado qualified for statewide ballot status in July 1998 and has retained its ballot status ever since.
In 2000 the Green Party of Colorado hosted the 2000 national convention of the Green Party of the United States in Denver.
In the 2006 mid-term elections Tom Kelly running for U.S. House of Representatives District 1 received 20.2% of the vote, the best finish of any green running for Congress in 2006.
Colorado is a U.S. state that encompasses much of the Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains...
of the Green Party
Green Party (United States)
The Green Party of the United States is a nationally recognized political party which officially formed in 1991. It is a voluntary association of state green parties. Prior to national formation, many state affiliates had already formed and were recognized by other state parties...
The Green Party of Colorado first attempted to qualify for statewide ballot status in 1994. While the party was unsuccessful in gaining ballot access, the party did qualify for Qualified Political Organization status. This made it possible to register as a Green in Colorado.
The Green Party of Colorado qualified for statewide ballot status in July 1998 and has retained its ballot status ever since.
In 2000 the Green Party of Colorado hosted the 2000 national convention of the Green Party of the United States in Denver.
In the 2006 mid-term elections Tom Kelly running for U.S. House of Representatives District 1 received 20.2% of the vote, the best finish of any green running for Congress in 2006.
Elected officials
As of November 2008 there were 9 elected Green officeholders in Colorado.- Art Goodtimes, Board of Commissioners (San Miguel County)
- Scott Chaplin, Board of Trustees, Carbondale
- Jeffery Bergeron, Town Council, Breckenridge (Summit County)
- Wendy Mimiaga, Town Board, Dolores (Cortez County)
- Matt Keefauver, Town Council, Cortez (Montezuma County)
- Charlie Green, School Board, District E, Fremont RE-3
- Peter Gleichman, Mayor, Ward, CO (Boulder County)
- Tanya Ishikawa, Federal Heights City Council, Ward I
- Michelle Haynes, Town Board, Norwood
External links
- Green Party of Colorado (Official site)