Graycliff (cigar brand)
The Graycliff Cigar Company produces cigar
s out of the historic Graycliff Inn in Nassau, The Bahamas. The Cigar Company was created by Estate owner Enrico Garzaroli and cigar aficionado Avelino Lara during the late 20th century.
A cigar is a tightly-rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco that is ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into the mouth. Cigar tobacco is grown in significant quantities in Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines, and the Eastern...
s out of the historic Graycliff Inn in Nassau, The Bahamas. The Cigar Company was created by Estate owner Enrico Garzaroli and cigar aficionado Avelino Lara during the late 20th century.