Granulosis rubra nasi
Granulosis rubra nasi is a rare familial disease of children, occurring on the nose, cheeks, and chin, characterized by diffuse redness, persistent hyperhidrosis, and small dark red papule
s that disappear on diascopic pressure
A papule is a circumscribed, solid elevation of skin with no visible fluid, varying in size from a pinhead to 1 cm.With regard to the quote "...varying in size from a pinhead to 1cm," depending on which text is referenced, some authors state the cutoff between a papule and a plaque as 0.5cm,...
s that disappear on diascopic pressure
Diascopy is a test for blanchability performed by applying pressure with a finger or glass slide and observing color changes.It is used to determine whether a lesion is vascular or nonvascular or hemorrhagic . Hemorrhagic lesions and nonvascular lesions do not blanch; inflammatory lesions do...