Graeme Snooks
Graeme Donald Snooks is a systems theorist and stratologist who has developed a general dynamic theory to explain complex living systems
Living systems
Living systems are open self-organizing living things that interact with their environment. These systems are maintained by flows of information, energy and matter....

. His resulting "dynamic-strategy theory" has been employed to analyse the fluctuating fortunes of life over the past 4,000 million years (myrs) and of human society over the past 2 myrs, to analyse contemporary economic problems (inflation, financial crises, climate change ), and to make scientific predictions about the future. His body of work challenges the existing paradigms of orthodox (neo-classical) economics
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...

, climate-mitigation economics, Marxism
Marxism is an economic and sociopolitical worldview and method of socioeconomic inquiry that centers upon a materialist interpretation of history, a dialectical view of social change, and an analysis and critique of the development of capitalism. Marxism was pioneered in the early to mid 19th...

, neo-Darwinism
Darwinism is a set of movements and concepts related to ideas of transmutation of species or of evolution, including some ideas with no connection to the work of Charles Darwin....

, evolutionary psychology
Evolutionary psychology
Evolutionary psychology is an approach in the social and natural sciences that examines psychological traits such as memory, perception, and language from a modern evolutionary perspective. It seeks to identify which human psychological traits are evolved adaptations, that is, the functional...

, self-organisation theory, and all other supply-side systems.

For twenty-one years, from 1989 to 2010, Graeme Snooks was the foundation Coghlan Research Professor of Economics in the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Australian National University
Australian National University
The Australian National University is a teaching and research university located in the Australian capital, Canberra.As of 2009, the ANU employs 3,945 administrative staff who teach approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 7,500 postgraduate students...

. Currently he is the Executive Director of both the Institute of Global Dynamic Systems and IGDS Books in Canberra. He was educated at Mount Lawley Senior High School
Mount Lawley Senior High School
Mount Lawley Senior High School is a state high school in the Perth suburb of Mount Lawley, Western Australia.- Notable alumni :* Holly Deane-Johns* Marcus Graham* David Helfgott* Tammy MacIntosh* Nikita Rukavytsya* James Smillie* Graeme Snooks...

 (1957–1961), the University of Western Australia
University of Western Australia
The University of Western Australia was established by an Act of the Western Australian Parliament in February 1911, and began teaching students for the first time in 1913. It is the oldest university in the state of Western Australia and the only university in the state to be a member of the...

 (BEc,1966; MEc, 1968), and the Australian National University
Australian National University
The Australian National University is a teaching and research university located in the Australian capital, Canberra.As of 2009, the ANU employs 3,945 administrative staff who teach approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 7,500 postgraduate students...

 (PhD, 1972). Professor Snooks has been elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences (1991), Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (UK) (1990), and Fellow of the Russian Academy of Humanities (2006).

Books and articles

Professor Snooks has published more than 20 books, including: Depression and Recovery (1974), Domesday Economy (with J. McDonald) (1986), Economics Without Time (1993), Historical Analysis in Economics (1993), Portrait of the Family within the Total Economy (1994), Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary?, (1994), The Dynamic Society (1996), The Ephemeral Civilization (1997), The Laws of History (1998), Longrun Dynamics (1998), Global Transition (1999), The Global Crisis Makers (2000), The Collapse of Darwinism (2003), The Selfcreating Mind (2006), The Coming Eclipse, or The Triumph of Climate Mitigation Over Solar Revolution (2010),, Dead God Rising. Religion and Science in the Universal Life-System (2010)., and The Death of Zarathustra. Notes on Truth for the Risk-Taker (2011). Articles on the theory of complex living systems have been published by Snooks in Advances in Space Research (2005) and Complexity (the journal of the Santa Fe Institute
Santa Fe Institute
The Santa Fe Institute is an independent, nonprofit theoretical research institute located in Santa Fe and dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the fundamental principles of complex adaptive systems, including physical, computational, biological, and social systems.The Institute houses a...

) (2008). Recently he completed books on the origin, nature, and role of religion; on the universal life system; and on the dynamic costs of climate mitigation.

Further reading

  • For further details see:, together with Who's Who in Australia, and Marquis Who's Who in the World.
  • Gary B. Magee, "As big as it gets: 'Big Theory' and The Collapse of Darwinism", in Social Evolution & History, vol. 5, no. 1, March 2006, pp. 164 – 174.
  • Big History or Big Theory. Uncovering the Laws of Life Social Evolution & History. Vol. 4, num. 1. 2005. Special Issue. Exploring the Horizons of Big History
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