Golden West High School
Students Enrollment by Grade
- Grade 9: 452
- Grade 10: 522
- Grade 11: 522
- Grade 12: 621
Student Enrollment by Ethnic Background
- African American: 0.6%
- White: 45.7%
- Native American or Alaska Native: 0.7%
- Asian: 5.1%
- Hispanic or Latino: 47.6%
- Pacific Islander: 0.1%
Academic Performance Index (API)
The state of California rates schools using the Academic Performance Index (API). Based on test scores, schools are ranked on a scale from 200 to 1000. The state expects all schools to eventually obtain an API of at least 800. Schools are also ranked by deciles from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), according to type of school (e.g., high school).- 2006 API Growth Score: 655
- Statewide Rank: 30
Notable Alumni
- Beau MillsBeau MillsBeau Bradley Mills is an American professional baseball first basemen in the Cleveland Indians organization. He is the son of Brad Mills, a former MLB player and current manager of the Houston Astros....
- Professional baseball player, Cleveland Indians - Betsy Wolfe - Broadway Actress
- Shane CostaShane CostaShane Jeremy Costa is a professional baseball player who is currently with the St. Paul Saints. At 6'0" and 220 lbs. from California State University, Fullerton, Costa made his Major League debut on June 2, , against the New York Yankees...
- Professional baseball player, Kansas City Royals