Golden Hillock School
Golden Hillock School is located in the centre of Birmingham, in Sparkhill. It is developing daily in terms of the school's building improvements and learning techniques. Golden Hillock School has been serving the community of Sparkhill since 1910. In the community there are many different cultures many languages are spoken here and people live and worship in different ways.
Ofsted Report: As outlined in my initial letter, as well as looking at key areas of the subject
the visit included a focus on our current survey theme of creativity in English.
The visit provided valuable information which will contribute to our national
evaluation and reporting. Published reports are likely to list the names of the
contributing institutions but individual institutions will not be identified in the
main text. The evidence used to inform the judgements made included: interviews with
staff and students, scrutiny of relevant documentation, analysis of students’
work and observation of seven lessons. The overall effectiveness of English
was judged to be satisfactory with good features.Areas for improvement, which we discussed, included:
middle ability boys and those of Pakistani heritage
approaches to teaching and learning so that best practice is shared
work to the differing needs and attainment of students.
Ofsted Report: As outlined in my initial letter, as well as looking at key areas of the subject
the visit included a focus on our current survey theme of creativity in English.
The visit provided valuable information which will contribute to our national
evaluation and reporting. Published reports are likely to list the names of the
contributing institutions but individual institutions will not be identified in the
main text. The evidence used to inform the judgements made included: interviews with
staff and students, scrutiny of relevant documentation, analysis of students’
work and observation of seven lessons. The overall effectiveness of English
was judged to be satisfactory with good features.Areas for improvement, which we discussed, included:
- improving achievement in English at Key Stage 4, particularly for
middle ability boys and those of Pakistani heritage
- monitoring and evaluating carefully the recent range of initiatives and
approaches to teaching and learning so that best practice is shared
- ensuring that all teachers plan lessons that match the objectives and
work to the differing needs and attainment of students.