Goilalan languages
The Goilalan languages are a family
Language family
A language family is a group of languages related through descent from a common ancestor, called the proto-language of that family. The term 'family' comes from the tree model of language origination in historical linguistics, which makes use of a metaphor comparing languages to people in a...

 placed in the Trans–New Guinea family by Wurm (1975) and tentatively retained there in the classification of Malcolm Ross
Malcolm Ross
Malcolm David Ross is a linguist and professor at the Australian National University. He has published work on Austronesian and Papuan languages, historical linguistics, and language contact.-External links:**...

 (2005). The languages,
Fuyug, Tauade, Biangai–Kunimaipa–Weri,

are clearly related, especially Biagai, Kunimaipa, and Weri, which might be considered divergent dialects.
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