Glossary of scientific names
No preference is given to masculine (M.), feminine (F.) or neuter (N.) forms of a term.Language of origin:
- D. German
- G. Greek
- Gae. Gaelic
- L. Latin
- Sv. Swedish
- aculeatum L. M. furnished with needles or spines.
- alba: F. of albus, Latin for white
- alpinum: M. literally, of the Alps, typically used for mountain species
- antarctica:F. of the southern hemisphere
- aquilinum :L. M. of the eagle, eagle-like.
- archeo-: G. ancient
- capillus-veneris: L. hair of Venus
- cordatum: L. having a spine
- crypto-: G. hidden
- histrix: L. F. literally, porcupine-like. Spiky
- heterophylla: L. F. having different-shaped or -sized leaves
- palustre: L. N. of the bog, or swamp. Palustris can be both F. or M.
- pisifera: L. F. pea-bearing
- plicata:L. F. folded, pleated
- scolopendra:L. centipede. Scolopendrium, of the centipede.
- sensibilis:L. sensitive, delicate
- septentrionale:L. of the north
- setiferum:L. silk-making
- speciosa:L. F. lovely. M. speciosum