Girls on film (novel)
Girls on Film is the second novel in the A-List series by Zoey Dean
Zoey Dean
Zoey Dean is the pseudonym for the creators of The A-List series and How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls, which has been renamed and turned into a TV show known as Privileged on the CW in September 2008...

. It was published in April 2004
2004 in literature
The year 2004 in literature involved some significant events and new books.-Events:* Canada Reads selects Guy Vanderhaeghe's The Last Crossing to be read across the nation....

 through the Poppy imprint at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

Plot summary

Still living with her father, Anna receives an intership at her father's girlfriend's new agency but is still forced to attend Beverly Hills High (BHH) and finds herself sharing classes, much to her disdain, with Cammie Sheppard and Dee Young with whom a good impression was not made in the first novel. Her friendship with Samantha Sharpe however blossoms as the two work on a film project for their English class regarding the Great Gatsby. Much to her horror, Sam finds herself developing a lesbian crush on Anna and spends the novel worrying if she is gay.

In a subplot, Anna's older sister Susan Percy was kicked out of rehab (though she claims she checked herself out) and takes a room in the Beverly Hills Hotel. Anna tries to persuade Susan to stay at their father's house, but Susan only vaguely mentions her reasons for hating their father. Anna is worried Susan will not be able to stay sober and grows even increasingly worried when Susan makes friends with Dee Young and Cammie Shepherd, Anna's nemesis.

To add to Anna's troubles, Ben is still pining after her for forgiveness, which she refuses to give, but in the meantime she begins dating Adam Flood, an all around good guy who is a point guard on the school basketball team, whom she met at Sam's father's wedding. However, Anna realizes that she is truly not interested in Adam and cuts off ties with boys in order to focus on her and Sam's Great Gatsby project. Anna volunteers to write the screenplay for the project, despite Sam's misgivings.

Anna and Sam shoot their film project at Veronique's Spa, with Susan tagging along. On the way there, Anna reveals to Sam and Susan what happened between her and Ben on New Year's Eve and makes Sam promise not to tell Cammie or Dee. Susan encourages Anna not to be afraid of falling in love but admits that Ben sounds like a bit of a "player". Much to Anna's displeasure, Cammie and Dee are at the spa as well though Sam promises they won't get in the way. Two schoolmates, Parker and Monty Pinelli, arrive and they help find actors for the short film. Even though she made a promise, Sam cannot resist and ends up telling Cammie and Dee Anna's secret. Cammie tries to use this information to get Ben back but he rebuffs her advances. To his surprise, Anna calls him later that night but she immediately regrets that decision, but not before Ben is able to check his caller ID and figure out where she is.

In the midst of filming, Ben bursts into the sauna the group is in and begs to talk to Anna alone, but they are locked in by a vengeful guest who wanted to punish Susan for flirting with Parker Pinelli. Susan gleefully reveals everyone's secrets in an attempt to get Anna out of her cold and repressive ways: Anna and Adam broke up, Dee had sex with Ben during her tour of Princeton, and Dee is forced to admit that she is not really pregnant. Anna runs away from the scene when they are finally let out, with Ben chasing her. Cammie is annoyed that Ben came for Anna and loves Anna more than he ever loved her whilst they were going out so she he decides to manipulate Susan into falling off her sobriety wagon.

At the Steinbergs' party, Anna has to accompany a new playwright, Brock Franklin, who was her sister's ex-boyfriend, for Apex, the agency she's interning for. Susan, courtesy of Cammie, becomes drunk and causes trouble at the party, but fortunately for Anna, Sam plays it off as if it is all part of their Gatsby project and rush Susan home.

While at Anna's house, Sam realizes that her lesbian thoughts about Anna are harmless and that she's not gay. She advises Anna to go away for awhile and leave her troubles behind. Anna's father, Jonathan Percy, comes home and Anna demands to know what happened that made Susan change into an alcoholic. Jonathan explains that Susan had been going out with a terrible boyfriend who was getting her hooked on drugs. Susan overhears and coldly adds to Anna that the Percy family actually paid the boyfriend to leave Susan, which clinched her descent into addiction. Susan and Jonathan begin to argue until Anna decides she has had enough and tells them that she is going away for a few days and asks them to try to resolve their issues.

Anna goes off to the Montecito Inn, in Santa Babara, hoping to get away from drama. Then, Ben shows up. He tells her that Sam told him where Anna was going to be and he finally admits why he left her on the boat on New Year's Eve: his father is a gambling addict who lost a lot of money that night and threatened a suicide attempt. Embarrassed and ashamed, Ben concocted a story of a mystery celebrity friend who needed his help. He apologizes to Anna once more and she forgives him. The two go back to her hotel room and Anna loses her virginity to him.
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