Giovanni Borgia (disambiguation)
Giovanni Borgia may refer to:
  • Giovanni Borgia (Infans Romanus), born in 1498, paternage unclear
  • Giovanni Borgia, 2nd Duke of Gandia (Spanish: Juan de Borja), born in 1474 or 1476, son of Pope Alexander VI
    Pope Alexander VI
    Pope Alexander VI , born Roderic Llançol i Borja was Pope from 1492 until his death on 18 August 1503. He is one of the most controversial of the Renaissance popes, and his Italianized surname—Borgia—became a byword for the debased standards of the Papacy of that era, most notoriously the Banquet...

  • Juan de Borja y Enríquez de Luna (1495-1543) (Italian: Giovanni Borgia), 3rd duke of Gandía
    Duke of Gandia
    The hereditary Spanish title duke of Gandía was created in 1485 by Ferdinand II of Aragon from the original Italian title "duke of Candia" belonging to the Italian Stato di Mare or Italian Kingdoms of the Mediterranean Sea; originally granted around 1206 to a Genoan marquis member of the House of...

    , son of the 2nd duke and Maria Enriquez de Luna

See also

  • Juan de Borja (disambiguation)
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