Georges Martin (freemason)

He was initiated on 21 March 1879 into the Union et Bienfaisance lodge of the Grande Loge de France
Grande Loge de France
The Grande Loge de France is the third largest Masonic obedience in France. It positions itself as occupying a unique position in the landscape of French Freemasonry, recognising and having relations with the obediences of Continental Freemasonry while still considering itself to be separate from...
. He was one of the founders of France's "Symbolic Scottish Grand Lodge". From 1890, he worked unsuccessfully for women's initiation
Women and Freemasonry
The subject of women and Freemasonry is complex and without an easy explanation. Traditionally, only men can be made Freemasons in Regular Freemasonry. Many Grand Lodges do not admit women because they believe it would break the ancient Masonic Landmarks. However, there are many non-mainstream...
within the male jurisdictions. He assisted in the initiation of Maria Deraismes
Maria Deraismes
Maria Deraismes was a French author and major pioneering force for women's rights.- Biography :Born in Paris, Maria Deraismes grew up in Pontoise in the city's northwest outskirts...
on 14 January 1882 into the Les Libres Penseurs lodge of Pecq
Le Pecq
Le Pecq is a commune in the Yvelines department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France. It is located in the western suburbs of Paris from the center.-Geography:...
, and with her founded the first mixed-sex lodge in 1893, the Grande Loge Symbolique Écossaise "Le Droit Humain". This mother-lodge became the basis for the creation of the Le Droit Humain
Le Droit Humain
The International Order of Co-Freemasonry Le Droit Humain is a global Masonic Order, membership of which is available to men and women on equal terms, regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity. The Order is founded on the ancient teachings and traditions of Freemasonry, using Masonic ritual...
lodge, to whose national and international development he devoted himself from 1883 to 1916. In 1901, he created "Le Droit Humain"'s Supreme Council under the whose authority were placed all the lodges.