Georges Bordonove
Georges Bordonove was a French historian and writer.
He had received several literary awards from the French Academy, for his novel The Four Horsemen and for his historical study Sailors of the Year II, and the award of the Goncourt historical narrative for the sinking of La Medusa . Il était membre du comité de soutien du mouvement L'Unité capétienne, où on trouve les noms de Marcel Jullian, André Castelot, Gonzague Saint-Bris, Jean Dutourd, Reynald Secher . He was a member of the committee support the movement Capetian Unit, where we find the names of Marcel Jullian, André Castelot, Gonzague Saint-Bris, Jean Dutourd, Reynald Secher. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages destinés au grand public portant sur l'Histoire. He is the author of numerous books for the general public about history. Dans l'article nécrologique du Monde paru le 20 mars 2007, Philippe-Jean Catinchi porte sur lui cette appréciation : « Malgré une vision rarement conforme à l'état de la recherche historique, le public est au rendez-vous » et, un peu plus loin : « On signalera encore ses contributions à une autre collection grand public, d'une rigueur scientifique aléatoire au fil des décennies, La Vie quotidienne , éditée chez Hachette. » In the obituary of the World published 20 March 2007, Jean-Philippe Catinchi carry this assessment: "Despite a few with the state of historical research, the public is waiting for you" and a little further: "We still mention his contributions to another public collection, a random sound science over the decades, The Life, published by Hachette."
It rests in the cemetery of Chateau-d'Oléron on the island of Oléron.
Georges Bordonove was a member of the jury of the Prix Hugues Capet.He had received several literary awards from the French Academy, for his novel The Four Horsemen and for his historical study Sailors of the Year II, and the award of the Goncourt historical narrative for the sinking of La Medusa . Il était membre du comité de soutien du mouvement L'Unité capétienne, où on trouve les noms de Marcel Jullian, André Castelot, Gonzague Saint-Bris, Jean Dutourd, Reynald Secher . He was a member of the committee support the movement Capetian Unit, where we find the names of Marcel Jullian, André Castelot, Gonzague Saint-Bris, Jean Dutourd, Reynald Secher. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages destinés au grand public portant sur l'Histoire. He is the author of numerous books for the general public about history. Dans l'article nécrologique du Monde paru le 20 mars 2007, Philippe-Jean Catinchi porte sur lui cette appréciation : « Malgré une vision rarement conforme à l'état de la recherche historique, le public est au rendez-vous » et, un peu plus loin : « On signalera encore ses contributions à une autre collection grand public, d'une rigueur scientifique aléatoire au fil des décennies, La Vie quotidienne , éditée chez Hachette. » In the obituary of the World published 20 March 2007, Jean-Philippe Catinchi carry this assessment: "Despite a few with the state of historical research, the public is waiting for you" and a little further: "We still mention his contributions to another public collection, a random sound science over the decades, The Life, published by Hachette."
It rests in the cemetery of Chateau-d'Oléron on the island of Oléron.
- Officier de la Légion d'honneur
- Lauréat de l' Académie française Winner of the French Academy
- Lauréat de la Bourse Goncourt du récit historique, Winner of the Goncourt Award of historical narrative,
- Grand prix des libraires Grand Prize booksellers