George Atkins (broadcaster)
George Stuart Atkins CM
Order of Canada
The Order of Canada is a Canadian national order, admission into which is, within the system of orders, decorations, and medals of Canada, the second highest honour for merit...

 (1917 – November 30, 2009) was a Canadian broadcaster, a CBC television
CBC Television
CBC Television is a Canadian television network owned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the national public broadcaster.Although the CBC is supported by public funding, the television network supplements this funding with commercial advertising revenue, in contrast to CBC Radio which are...

 and radio
CBC Radio
CBC Radio generally refers to the English-language radio operations of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The CBC operates a number of radio networks serving different audiences and programming niches, all of which are outlined below.-English:CBC Radio operates three English language...

 host, and the founder of Farm Radio International
Farm Radio International
Farm Radio International, or Radios Rurales Internationales , is a Canadian non-profit organization based in Ottawa, Ontario...



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