Geniculate neuralgia
Geniculate ganglionitis or Geniculate Neuralgia (GN), also called nervus intermedius neuralgia, is a rare disorder that involves severe pain deep in the ear
The ear is the organ that detects sound. It not only receives sound, but also aids in balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system....

, that may spread to the ear canal, outer ear, mastoid or eye
Human eye
The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a conscious sense organ, the eye allows vision. Rod and cone cells in the retina allow conscious light perception and vision including color differentiation and the perception of depth...

 regions. GN may also occur in combination with trigeminal or glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Neuralgia is pain in one or more nerves that occurs without stimulation of pain receptor cells. Neuralgia pain is produced by a change in neurological structure or function rather than by the excitation of pain receptors that causes nociceptive pain. Neuralgia falls into two categories: central...

. The pain of GN is sharp, shooting or burning and can last for hours. Painful attacks can be triggered by cold, noise, swallowing or touch, but triggers are usually unique to the sufferer.