Gemini Nunataks
Gemini Nunataks are two nunatak
A nunatak is an exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within an ice field or glacier. The term is typically used in areas where a permanent ice sheet is present...

s of similar size and appearance in a prominent position near the west wall of Shackleton Glacier
Shackleton Glacier
Shackleton Glacier is a major Antarctic glacier, over long and from 8 to 16 km wide, descending from the polar plateau from the vicinity of Roberts Massif and flowing north through the Queen Maud Mountains to enter the Ross Ice Shelf between Mount Speed and Waldron Spurs. The Roberts Massif...

, just southeast of Mount Cole
Mount Cole
Mount Cole is a mountain over high, on the west side of Shackleton Glacier, between the mouths of Forman Glacier and Gerasimou Glacier, in the Queen Maud Mountains. It was discovered and photographed by U.S. Navy Operation Highjump, 1946–47, and named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names...

. Named by F. Alton Wade, leader of the Texas Tech Shackleton Glacier Party (1962–63), after the constellation Gemini, which contains the twin stars Castor and Pollux.
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