Gattonvale Offstream Storage
Gattonvale Offstream Storage storage will improve reliability of water supply to the Collinsville Power Station and further enhance reliability of power supply to North Queensland. The storage will be filled by pumping water from the Bowen River Weir during high flows in the river system during the wet season.
Stage 1 - 2,500 megalitre capacity to be completed before Christmas 2004;
Stage 2 - 5,000 megalitre capacity completed by 31 March, 2005;
Stage 3 - 8,000 (minimum) megalitre capacity completed by 31 May, 2005.
Stage 1 - 2,500 megalitre capacity to be completed before Christmas 2004;
Stage 2 - 5,000 megalitre capacity completed by 31 March, 2005;
Stage 3 - 8,000 (minimum) megalitre capacity completed by 31 May, 2005.