Gateway Academy
Gateway Academy is a private school in Scottsdale, Arizona. It specializes in the education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
The general curriculum includes math, english, history, science, physical education and Spanish, with Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Music Therapy sessions once each week. Gateway Academy's first graduating class was back in 2008, with one student, and with each year, the graduating class gets bigger and bigger.
The focus of the whole school approach is in three core areas: education, independence and integration.
The school operates a year round program from July - May of each year and can provide placements for up to 60 students.
Gateway Academy Education.
Gateway Academy provides a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, including an Arizona State Standards Based Curriculum, relevant to the needs of students with Asperger's Syndrome and associated conditions.
Many students with Asperger's Syndrome are academically very able and the academy is passionate about educational achievement. Every student has an individual program structured through their individual education plan (IEP), which is determined upon completing yearly assessments. This is monitored and reviewed quarterly to ensure that attainable goals are being set and measured; strengths are played to; and full potential is being met.
Classes are grouped according to chronological age and ability with a maximum of six students per class. Individualized teaching is necessary for some students in certain subjects and additional support is provided where required.
Gateway Academy employs all learning modalities such as visual, auditory, manipulatives, and experiential situations as learning opportunities.
Education is continued beyond the normal school day with additional after school sessions in independent living skills, music, and indoor/outdoor activities.
Gateway Academy was established in 2005 and offers a private education for students in preschool through 12th grade with a diagnosis on the Autism spectrum. The average ratio of students to teachers is 5:1, resulting in individualized attention for every student.The general curriculum includes math, english, history, science, physical education and Spanish, with Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Music Therapy sessions once each week. Gateway Academy's first graduating class was back in 2008, with one student, and with each year, the graduating class gets bigger and bigger.
Gateway Academy provides for students from age five to nineteen years of age with Asperger's syndrome, High Functioning Autism, PDD-nos, social/behavioral issues, emotional and social difficulties and specific learning difficulties associated with spectrum disorders.Education
Gateway Academy provides a specialized education for boys and girls aged 5 to 19 with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, PDD-nos, and associated disorders.The focus of the whole school approach is in three core areas: education, independence and integration.
The school operates a year round program from July - May of each year and can provide placements for up to 60 students.
Gateway Academy Education.
Gateway Academy provides a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, including an Arizona State Standards Based Curriculum, relevant to the needs of students with Asperger's Syndrome and associated conditions.
Many students with Asperger's Syndrome are academically very able and the academy is passionate about educational achievement. Every student has an individual program structured through their individual education plan (IEP), which is determined upon completing yearly assessments. This is monitored and reviewed quarterly to ensure that attainable goals are being set and measured; strengths are played to; and full potential is being met.
Classes are grouped according to chronological age and ability with a maximum of six students per class. Individualized teaching is necessary for some students in certain subjects and additional support is provided where required.
Gateway Academy employs all learning modalities such as visual, auditory, manipulatives, and experiential situations as learning opportunities.
Education is continued beyond the normal school day with additional after school sessions in independent living skills, music, and indoor/outdoor activities.