Gary Entin
Gary Entin is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...



He is well known for his role as Paul Stanton in The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
The Seeker (film)
The Seeker, titled The Dark Is Rising in the United Kingdom and The Seeker: The Dark is Rising in Canada, is a 2007 American film adaptation of the second book in the five-book young adult fantasy series The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper. The film is directed by David L...

. Entin co-stars with his brother Edmund
Edmund Entin
Edmund Entin is an American Actor.-Biography:He is well known for his role as Robin Stanton in The Seeker: The Dark is Rising and as Jonah in the upcoming Seconds Apart.-Personal life:...

 in the upcoming After Dark Originals Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart is a 2011 thriller/horror film starring Orlando Jones and twins Edmund and Gary Entin. The film concerns a pair of twins, Jonah and Seth, who share telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Things start to spiral out of their control as their classmates end up dying in twisted and bizarre...



Year Title Role/Position Notes
2006 Rest Stop
Rest Stop (film)
Rest Stop: Dead Ahead is the first direct-to-video horror film released by Warner Studios' "Raw Feed" imprint on October 17, 2006.The plot involves a girl who is terrorized by a deranged serial killer while on a cross country road trip to California....

Twin #2 aka Rest Stop: Dead Ahead (Australia: DVD title)
2007 Color Me Olsen
Color Me Olsen
Color Me Olsen is an 18-minute 2007 short independent film directed and written by Darren Stein.-Plot:Bright-eyed 18-year-old identical twin brothers come to Hollywood with the age-old dream of becoming stars...

The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
The Seeker (film)
The Seeker, titled The Dark Is Rising in the United Kingdom and The Seeker: The Dark is Rising in Canada, is a 2007 American film adaptation of the second book in the five-book young adult fantasy series The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper. The film is directed by David L...

Paul Stanton
2008 Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back is the sequel to the 2006 movie Rest Stop. It stars Richard Tillman, Jessie Ward, Graham Norris, and Brionne Davis...

Twin #2
Whore (2008 film)
Caught between reality and hallucinations, hopelessness and hope, intoxication and sobriety, Thomas Dekker's new film "Whore" explores the dark side of people's inability to let go of their dreams even in the face of the harshest life...

2009 Devolved (2009) Flynn (post-production)
The New Daughter
The New Daughter
The New Daughter is a 2009 horror film and the directorial debut of Spanish screenwriter Luis Bernejo.Based on the short story of the same name by John Connolly, it tells the story of a novelist and his two children who encounter a malevolent presence when they move to a house in the country...

BC #2 (post-production)
Prep School
Prep School (film)
Prep School is an upcoming dramatic film. It will star Charlie McDermott as Collin Craig, Jeremy Sumpter as Simon Hillcrest and Troy Hatt as Ethan Gates. Jerome Elston Scott will be directing and also wrote the script. The film is being produced by Alpha Select Productions, a Victoria, British...

Owen (pre-production)
2010 Brothers of the Blood (2010) Peter pre-production
2011 Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart is a 2011 thriller/horror film starring Orlando Jones and twins Edmund and Gary Entin. The film concerns a pair of twins, Jonah and Seth, who share telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Things start to spiral out of their control as their classmates end up dying in twisted and bizarre...



Year Title Position Notes
2006 The Need (2006) producer
2007 Color Me Olsen
Color Me Olsen
Color Me Olsen is an 18-minute 2007 short independent film directed and written by Darren Stein.-Plot:Bright-eyed 18-year-old identical twin brothers come to Hollywood with the age-old dream of becoming stars...


Editorial Department

Year Title Position Notes
2006 Requiem for Krypton: Making 'Superman Returns' (2006) (post-production associate)


Year Title Position Notes
2006 Simple Joys (2006) Writer

Miscellaneous Crew

Year Title Position Notes
2004 Frenching (2004) production assistant
Marty (2004) production assistant
2005 The Proud Family Movie
The Proud Family Movie
The Proud Family Movie is a Disney Channel Original Movie which premiered on August 19, 2005. It also marked the end of The Proud Family animated Disney series.-Plot:...

production assistant TV movie
2007 Marigold
Marigold (2007 film)
Marigold is a 2007 romantic musical comedy about an American actress who becomes engrossed in the Bollywood film industry after visiting India...

assistant to producer aka Marigold (India: Hindi title: dubbed version)


Year Title Position Notes
2009 The First Impression special thanks post-production

External links

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