Garnisonen i Porsanger
Garnisonen i Porsanger, based at Porsangmoen in Porsanger
Porsanger or Porsáŋgu or Porsanki is a municipality in Finnmark county, Norway. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Lakselv...

, is the world's northernmost military garrison at 70 degrees northern latitude
In geography, the latitude of a location on the Earth is the angular distance of that location south or north of the Equator. The latitude is an angle, and is usually measured in degrees . The equator has a latitude of 0°, the North pole has a latitude of 90° north , and the South pole has a...

, located in the Norwegian county of Finnmark
or Finnmárku is a county in the extreme northeast of Norway. By land it borders Troms county to the west, Finland to the south and Russia to the east, and by water, the Norwegian Sea to the northwest, and the Barents Sea to the north and northeast.The county was formerly known as Finmarkens...

It trains and houses the jegerkompani
Jegerkompaniet / ISTAR is the Norwegian Army's northern-most unit. It is deployed to the world's northern-most military garrison, Porsangmoen, at 70 degrees northern latitude. The company has both conscripts and professional soldiers...

ISTAR stands for Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance. In its macroscopic sense, ISTAR is a practice that links several battlefield functions together to assist a combat force in employing its sensors and managing the information they gather.Information is collected on...

, formerly a part of the Finnmark regiment, together with Garnisonen i Sør-Varanger
Garnisonen i Sør-Varanger
The Sør-Varanger Garrison is a military camp located next to Høybuktmoen Airport near Kirkenes in Sør-Varanger, Norway. The Garrison is under the control of the Norwegian Army and is organized as a battalion. The garrison...

 and Alta Battalion
Alta Battalion
The Alta Battalion was an independent battalion within the Norwegian 6th Division based in the village of Alta in western Finnmark and commanded by Lt...

. Jegerkompaniet, as well as a petty officer's training centre for the Home Guard
Norwegian Home Guard
The Norwegian Home Guard , is a rapid mobilisation force in the Norwegian military. Founded 6 December 1946, it is the youngest branch in the Norwegian forces.-Organization:...

. The garrison is located immediately adjacent to Halkavarre, the largest military training area in Norway.
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