Gare de Namps-Quevauvillers
The Gare de Namps-Quevauvillers (Namps-Quevauvillers station) is a railway station located in the commune of Namps-Maisnil
Namps-Maisnil is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:A commune created by the amalgamation, in 1972, of the four old communes of Namps-au-Mont, Namps-au-Val, Rumaisnil and Taisnil...

 and near Quevauvillers
Quevauvillers is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Quevauvillers is situated on the N29 road, some southwest of Amiens.-Population:-History:...

, in the Somme department, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

. The station is served by TER Haute-Normandie and TER Picardie
TER Picardie
TER Picardie is the regional rail network serving the Picardy region of France. It is based at the Gare d'Amiens in the town of Amiens.- Rail :- Road :- Multiple units:* SNCF Class Z 26500* SNCF Class X 4630* SNCF Class X 72500...

 trains from Amiens
Gare d'Amiens
Gare d'Amiens is the main station for the Northern French city of Amiens.The station opened on 15 March 1847 when the line to Abbeville opened to passengers. The station building was subsequently replaced by the present structure following the allied bombardment and was built in 1955 by Auguste...

 to Rouen. The station is one of several low importance stations along the 139 km long line. According to the SNCF
The SNCF , is France's national state-owned railway company. SNCF operates the country's national rail services, including the TGV, France's high-speed rail network...

, in 2003 it averaged 5 passengers per operating day.

External links

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