Gare de Grandvilliers
The Gare de Grandvilliers is a railway station in Grandvilliers
Grandvilliers, Oise
Grandvilliers is a small town in northern France. It is designated municipally as a commune within the département of Oise....

 in the Oise
Oise is a department in the north of France. It is named after the river Oise.-History:Oise is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on March 4, 1790...

 department, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

. It is served by TER Picardie
TER Picardie
TER Picardie is the regional rail network serving the Picardy region of France. It is based at the Gare d'Amiens in the town of Amiens.- Rail :- Road :- Multiple units:* SNCF Class Z 26500* SNCF Class X 4630* SNCF Class X 72500...

 trains from Beauvais
Gare de Beauvais
Gare de Beauvais is a railway station located in Beauvais in the Oise department, France. TER Picardie trains connect the station to Le Tréport-Mers, Creil and Paris-Nord. The Neo-medieval station building was constructed by Compagnie du Nord in brick and concrete in 1860. The line to Paris is...

 to Le Tréport-Mers
Gare du Tréport-Mers
The Gare du Tréport-Mers is a railway station located in the commune of Le Tréport in the Seine-Maritime department, France. It is only a few metres from Mers-les-Bains, which is in the Somme department.-Railway service:...

. As of 2010 the station is served by 6 trains in each direction on weekdays and 3 on Sundays.

Goods sidings remain in place, used in particular by a grain merchant, and his facilities make it possible to switch trains from one track to another. The station was renovated in 2009 as part of a programme of modernisation of the stations between Beauvais and Abancourt
Gare d'Abancourt
The Gare d'Abancourt is a railway station located in the commune of Abancourt in the Oise department, in Picardy, France. It is primarily served by TER Picardie trains.-Lines:The station is located at the intersection of:...

, which notably included making the station accessible to the handicapped.

Historical highlights

The station is located on avenue du Général Saget, which has been so named since 21 May 1875, in honour of the services of General Henri Saget to Grandvilliers. Born 5 November 1813 at La Flèche
La Flèche
La Flèche is a municipality located in the French department of Sarthe and the region of Pays de la Loire in the Loire Valley. This is the sub-prefecture of the South-Sarthe, the chief district and the chief city of a canton. This is the second most populous city of the department. The city is part...

, Saget participated in drawing the official map of France, then left the army in 1886 with the rank of Brigadier General and entered politics, winning election to the Council of the canton of Grandvilliers and later serving as president of the Council of Oise from 1886 to 1890. He was instrumental in having the railway line between Paris, Beauvais, and Le Tréport-Mers pass through Grandvilliers, which was the reason for naming after him the street which leads to the station.

During the Second World War
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

, the station served as the base of deployment for V1 rockets brought by rail from the Saint-Maximin quarries to be launched at England from nearby locations. The train loaded with these rockets stopped in the Marseille-en-Beauvaisis
Marseille-en-Beauvaisisis a small village in northern France. It is designated municipally as a commune within the département of Oise.-References:*...


See also

  • List of SNCF stations in Picardy
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