Gaian may refer to:
Gaian may also refer to:
Gaian, House Of
- the Gaian, Gaiist, Gaia-som (male), Gaia-sa (female), Gaia-se (two-or-neutral-gendered)
- an adherent of GaianismGaianismGaianism is a very broad and inclusive philosophy and emerging spirituality with various religious expressions. The term describes a philosophy and ethical worldview which, though not itself religious, implies a transrational devotion to Planet Earth as a superorganism...
— an Earth-centered (sometimes referred to as neo-Pagan) spiritual inclination with diverse and evolving religious expression whose central reference is Gaia as personification of the Earth as Mother to all life upon the planet. A Gaian typically adheres to beliefs that the Cosmos is an organic system within systems and that the Earth is a divine expression of this "being within beings." As human beings, regardless of any extraterrestrial or other-worldly existence, Gaia is the first altar of Realization on the path of awakening to Planetary Life and then Cosmic Life. To a Gaian, the path of Planetary Life is life-altering to how one conducts one's self in behavior and lifestyle within an organic, planetary system. Gaia is the ancient source of conscious co-evolutionary creation who is given the utmost reverence to a Gaian. A Gaian is loyal to the Earth, but also knows to be loyal to any greater system s/he extends herself into, whether through future space travel, colonization of other worlds and also through the passing from physical, terrestrial form.
- an adherent of Gaianism
- Gaian GreensGaian GreensA Gaian is a radical Green who views the ecology of the Earth's biosphere not only as the basis of human moral examples, but of all cognition and even sentience...
— a branch of the Green movement whose tenants move them to austere environmentalism. - a person who adopts TechnogaianismTechnogaianismTechnogaianism is a bright green environmentalist stance of active support for the research, development and use of emerging and future technologies to help restore Earth's environment...
— a slant on Gaianism that embraces a symbiosis between the emergence of modern technology and ancient terrestrial evolutionary biology.
Gaian may also refer to:
- one of the seven factions the player can choose to control in the computer game Sid Meier's Alpha CentauriSid Meier's Alpha CentauriSid Meier's Alpha Centauri is the critically acclaimed science fiction 4X turn-based strategy video game sequel to the Civilization series. Sid Meier, designer of Civilization, and Brian Reynolds, designer of Civilization II, developed Alpha Centauri after they left MicroProse to join the newly...
; their philosophy in the game is similar to that described in Gaian GreensGaian GreensA Gaian is a radical Green who views the ecology of the Earth's biosphere not only as the basis of human moral examples, but of all cognition and even sentience...
. - a term used when referring to a user of the popular forum Gaia OnlineGaia OnlineGaia Online is an English-language, anime-themed social networking and forums-based website. Gaiaonline was founded in 2003. but the name was changed to GaiaOnline.com in 2003 from go-gaia by its owner, Gaia Interactive...
, or spoken in reference to the Avatar character used to represent oneself in the forum.
Gaian, House Of
- From the Anne BishopAnne BishopAnne Bishop is an American fantasy writer. Her most noted work is The Black Jewels trilogy. She lives in upstate New York. She won the Crawford Award in 2000 for the first three novels in her The Black Jewels series: Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows, and Queen of the Darkness.-The Black...
Tir Alainn Trilogy. The House of Gaian are the Witches, known as the daughters (and sons) who rule the Mother's Hills. They are the "pillars" of the world.
- A follower of the Gaian philosophy.