Gothic Lolita Propaganda is Yōsei Teikoku's first major debut album, released on April 25, 2007. It features the singles Ashita wo Yurushite, Valkyrja, Noble Roar and Senketsu no Chikai as well as most of the coupling songs from each and some previously unreleased material.
Track listing
- Gothic Lolita Propaganda - 6:34
- last moment - 4:17
- Valkyrja - 6:33
- Noble Roar - 3:53
- Labyrinth - 6:46
- Canary - 4:58
- Forgive Tomorrow (あしたを許して, Ashita wo Yurushite) - 5:22
- Vermilion Tiara - 4:00
- Fortuna - 5:28
- The Blood Oath (鮮血の誓い, Senketsu no Chikai) - 4:16
- Ira - 6:56
- Solitary Genesis (孤高の創世, Kokō no Sōsei) - 5:10
- Patriot Anthem - 6:31