Fuzzy Cloaks
Fuzzy Cloaks is a psychedelic/indie punk/bedroom pop band from Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Seattle is the county seat of King County, Washington. With 608,660 residents as of the 2010 Census, Seattle is the largest city in the Northwestern United States. The Seattle metropolitan area of about 3.4 million inhabitants is the 15th largest metropolitan area in the country...

. The Pharmacy
The Pharmacy
The Pharmacy is a psychedelic/indie punk band from Seattle, Washington, consisting of three members: Scott Yoder , Brendhan Bowers , and Stefan Rubicz . They also have been known to record with a wide array of other instruments including strings, horns, and many different types of...

's frontman Scott Yoder (guitar, bass, sequencing, and lead vocals) is the sole contributor on the band's recordings. Live the band features Woody Brenton and fellow The Pharmacy member Stefan Rubicz. They released their debut cassette "Solar Hits" in 2011 on Kind Turkey Records
Kind Turkey Records
Kind Turkey Records is an American independent record label based in Madison, WI. It was first started on January 1, 2010 by Robert Rice and Bobby Hussy as a music blog. Their first release, a split cassette by Black Mamba Beat and Wake Up Dead came in Fall 2010. It was followed by Kind Turkey's...

. A US tour followed, hitting venues across the West Coast.
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