Fund for Educational Excellence
The Fund for Educational Excellence (FFEE) is a non profit organization located in Baltimore, Maryland. The program's promary focus is to increase academic achievement with students apart of the Baltimore City Public School System (BCPSS) by creating programs and writing grants by partnering with local businesses and community members.
FFEE began through mini-grants to teachers, helping them by getting them to purchase books or equipment, design new lesson plans, and other individual or small group projects. FFEE saw that while mini-grants were beneficial to individual classrooms, over time the Fund saw the need for a more substantial school reform program that could make a lasting impact on teaching and learning in BCPSS.
In 1998, the Fund introduced the Achievement First whole school reform model which emphasizes literacy. FFEE uses on-site professional development to model and encourage teachers to adopt better practices in literacy instruction and work with principals to become better instructional leaders of their schools.
FFEE began through mini-grants to teachers, helping them by getting them to purchase books or equipment, design new lesson plans, and other individual or small group projects. FFEE saw that while mini-grants were beneficial to individual classrooms, over time the Fund saw the need for a more substantial school reform program that could make a lasting impact on teaching and learning in BCPSS.
In 1998, the Fund introduced the Achievement First whole school reform model which emphasizes literacy. FFEE uses on-site professional development to model and encourage teachers to adopt better practices in literacy instruction and work with principals to become better instructional leaders of their schools.