Fukuoka gubernatorial election, 2007
Fukuoka Prefecture
Fukuoka Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located on Kyūshū Island. The capital is the city of Fukuoka.- History :Fukuoka Prefecture includes the former provinces of Chikugo, Chikuzen, and Buzen....

 held a gubernatorial election on April 8, 2007. Incumbent Asou Wataru won the election.


  • Asou Wataru, the Independent
    Independent (politician)
    In politics, an independent or non-party politician is an individual not affiliated to any political party. Independents may hold a centrist viewpoint between those of major political parties, a viewpoint more extreme than any major party, or they may have a viewpoint based on issues that they do...

     incumbent governor
    A governor is a governing official, usually the executive of a non-sovereign level of government, ranking under the head of state...

  • Inatomi Shouji, supported by the Democratic Party of Japan
    Democratic Party of Japan
    The is a political party in Japan founded in 1998 by the merger of several opposition parties. Its socially liberal platform is generally considered center-left in the Japanese political spectrum...

     and the Social Democratic Party
    Social Democratic Party (Japan)
    The Social Democratic Party The Social Democratic Party The Social Democratic Party (社会民主党 Shakai Minshu-tō, often abbreviated to 社民党 Shamin-tō; also known as the Social Democratic Party of Japan (abbreviated to SDPJ or SDP in English) is a political party that advocates for the establishment of a...

  • Jirano Eiichi, former teacher supported by the Japanese Communist Party
    Japanese Communist Party
    The Japanese Communist Party is a left-wing political party in Japan.The JCP advocates the establishment of a society based on socialism, democracy and peace, and opposition to militarism...


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