Frum (surname)
The Yiddish adjective frum , from the German fromm, meaning "devout" or "pious", is a Yiddish word meaning committed to be observant of the 613 commandments, or Jewish commandments, specifically of Orthodox Judaism...

is a surname
A surname is a name added to a given name and is part of a personal name. In many cases, a surname is a family name. Many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name"...

 that may refer to:
Meaning: pious, observant (Yiddish)
  • Barbara Frum
    Barbara Frum
    Barbara Frum, OC was a Canadian radio and television journalist, acclaimed for her interviews for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.-Personal life:...

    , Canadian journalist, mother of David and Linda Frum
    • Barbara Frum (TV series)
      Barbara Frum (TV series)
      Barbara Frum was a Canadian talk show which aired on CBC Television between October 1974 and July 1975. Barbara Frum interviewed various guests including Michael Magee, Charlotte Gobeil, Paul Rimstead, Allan Fotheringham, and Jack Webster and in the premiere episode her guests included Roman...

  • Danielle Frum
    Danielle Crittenden
    Danielle Ann Crittenden Frum, who writes under the name Danielle Crittenden , is a Canadian author and journalist....

    , wife of David Frum
  • David Frum
    David Frum
    David J. Frum is a Canadian American journalist active in both the United States and Canadian political arenas. A former economic speechwriter for President George W. Bush, he is also the author of the first "insider" book about the Bush presidency...

    , a political commentator and journalist, son of Barbara Frum
  • John Frum
    John Frum
    John Frum is a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. He is often depicted as an American World War II serviceman, who will bring wealth and prosperity to the people if they follow him. He is sometimes portrayed as black, sometimes as white; from David Attenborough's...

    , a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu
  • Linda Frum
    Linda Frum
    Linda Frum is a Canadian author and journalist, and a Conservative member of the Canadian Senate since 2009.Frum was born in Toronto, Ontario, the daughter of Barbara Frum, a journalist and Murray Frum, a real estate developer. Her brother is the political author and journalist David Frum...

    , a Canadian journalist, daughter of Barbara Frum

See also

  • Fromm (German form)
  • Frum Jew
    Orthodox Judaism
    Orthodox Judaism , is the approach to Judaism which adheres to the traditional interpretation and application of the laws and ethics of the Torah as legislated in the Talmudic texts by the Sanhedrin and subsequently developed and applied by the later authorities known as the Gaonim, Rishonim, and...

  • Frum Satire
    Heshy Fried
    Heshy Fried is an American stand-up comedian and blogger.-Biography:Fried was raised on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. At the age of 6, his mother died of breast cancer, leaving his father to raise him and his younger brother Charlie alone. As a consequence of his mother's untimely death, Fried...

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