From the Vault: Dragons
From the Vault: Dragons is a limited edition Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering , also known as Magic, is the first collectible trading card game created by mathematics professor Richard Garfield and introduced in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast. Magic continues to thrive, with approximately twelve million players as of 2011...

boxed set to commemorate the game's fifteenth anniversary. The set includes 15 limited edition dragon cards, six of which were given new art. The cards are all foil, using a new method of "foiling" the cards. FtV:D was released in English only and costs $34.99 (MSRP
Suggested retail price
The manufacturer's suggested retail price , list price or recommended retail price of a product is the price which the manufacturer recommends that the retailer sell the product. The intention was to help to standardise prices among locations...


This is not a normal expansion set, so tournament-legality of the cards depends on the most recent normal expansion they were printed in. Hellkite Overlord was special in that its first regular appearance in Magic expansion would be in the Shards of Alara
Shards of Alara
Shards of Alara is an expansion set from the trading card game Magic: The Gathering. It is the 47th limited-edition expansion set for Magic and was released on October 3, 2008. On Magic Online Shards was released on October 20, 2008....

expansion set, which was released 3 October 2008, two months after From the Vault: Dragons. It became tournament-legal only with the release of Shards of Alara.

The box set also contains a red and black 20-sided spin-down die with the FtV:D expansion symbol in place of the 20.

Card list

The 15 cards in the set are:
  1. *
  2. *
  3. *
  4. *
  5. *
  6. *
  7. *.

The cards with new art are marked with an "*".
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