From Eternity to Here
From Eternity to Here is a book in which Sean Carroll attempts to address the question of what time is what what what processes make it come into existence.

Part One - Time, Experience, and the Universe

Chapter 1 - The Past is Present Memory

Chapter 2 - The Heavy Hand of Entropy

Chapter 3 - The Beginning and End of Time

Part Two - Time in Einstein's Universe

Chapter 4 - Time is Personal

Chapter 5 - Time is Flexible

Chapter 6 - Looping Through Time

Part Three - Entropy and Time's Arrow

Chapter 7 - Running Time Backward

Chapter 8 - Entropy and Disorder

Chapter 9 - Information and Life

Chapter 10 - Recurrent Nightmares

Chapter 11 - Quantum Time

Part Four - From the Kitchen To the Multiverse

Chapter 12 - Black Holes: The Ends of Time

Chapter 13 - The Life of the Universe

Chapter 14 - Inflation and the Multiverse

Chapter 15 - The Past Through Tomorrow

Chapter 16 - Epilogue

Appendix: Math





External links

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