Freddy Flores
- BoliviaBolivia (film)Bolivia is an Argentine and Dutch drama film directed by Israel Adrián Caetano, his first feature-length film. The screenplay is written by Caetano, based upon the Romina Lafranchini story, about his wife...
(2001) - Un Oso rojo (2002) aka A Red BearA Red Bear (film)Un Oso Rojo is a 2002 Argentine, Spanish, and French drama film, directed by Israel Adrián Caetano.The film was produced by Lita Stantic, and the screenplay was written by Caetano and Graciela Speranza, from the story penned by Romina Lafranchini...
Award nomination
- Argentine Film Critics Association Awards: Silver Condor; Best New Actor for Bolivia; 2001.