(1997) and its sequel, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
(1998), as well as She's All That
(1999), Summer Catch
(2001), Scooby-Doo
(2002) Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
(2004), and Delgo
(2008). Prinze has also had acting roles in television shows, including Freddie
and 24
"Kissing Claire was good. I was really nervous, though. I hadn't kissed many girls in real life." - about his scene with Claire Danes in the film To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (1996).
"It only takes 30 seconds to pluck my eyebrows, but it hurts. I have to tweeze them in the middle once a week. Otherwise, I look like Bert from Sesame Street. I've been doing it for 11 years."
[on his career choice] [Acting is] the only thing I'm good at. I know how to create and make people feel something. Honestly, if I didn't do this, I would just have some minimum-wage job in New Mexico, and I would go out on the weekends and make just enough money to pay my insurance and pay for a couple beers, and that would be it.
[on Valentine's Day] I think it's kind of a crock, and here's why: I believe we should be doing that every day [...] make your girl feel special whenever you can. I'm a big big believer in surprises. You've got to be romantic all of the time. Guys, you can hate me or whatever for saying this, but you know what you should do.
(On children) "I will be the best father you've ever seen. I will win father of the year everytime. And Sarah will be the most fantastic mother."
"I'm going to stop acting in the next few years because it's just too weird. You have to constantly be willing to live in a scary, emotional place, which is why actors are in therapy all the time."
"If people would only think of (my father's) gift (of comedy) instead of his death, I would love it. I have an album of his stand-up, "Lookin' Good", and no matter how upset I was, anytime, ever, the second I played it he could make me laugh. He was so sharp and spontaneous, so fast!"
"Life is not about making dough or how many movies you can make in a year. It's about finding someone that you can share things with."