Frecker Ridge
Frecker Ridge is a ridge that rises abruptly along the west side of Kirkby Glacier
Kirkby Glacier
Kirkby Glacier is a glacier, 20 miles in length. This glacier drains the central Anare Mountains and flows northwest to the sea three miles from Cape North, and just north of Arthurson Bluff, northern Victoria Land.-Discovery and naming:...

 in the Anare Mountains
Anare Mountains
The Anare Mountains are a large group of mainly snow-covered peaks and ridges along the northern coast of Victoria Land, Antarctica. The group is bounded on the north and east by the Pacific Ocean, on the west by Lillie Glacier, and on the south by Ebbe Glacier and Dennistoun Glacier...

, Victoria Land
Victoria Land
Victoria Land is a region of Antarctica bounded on the east by the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and on the west by Oates Land and Wilkes Land. It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria...

. It is 5 nautical miles (9 km) long and terminates in the north at Mount Gale
Mount Gale
Mount Gale is a promontory at the north end of Frecker Ridge in the Anare Mountains, Victoria Land. It stands at the south side of the confluence of Ludvig Glacier and Kirkby Glacier. Named by Antarctic Names Committee of Australia for Commander d'A.T...

. Named by ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
The Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions is the historical name for the Australian Antarctic Program administered for Australia by the Australian Antarctic Division .-The ANARE Name:...

) for Sgt. R. Frecker, RAAF, a member of the Antarctic Flight with the ANARE (Thala Dan
Thala Dan
MV Thala Dan was one of a fleet of icebreaking cargo-passenger ships operated by the Danish J. Lauritzen A/S Lines, and chartered to, inter alia, ANARE...

) cruise that explored this coast, 1962.
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