Frasnes hoard
The Frasnes Hoard was accidentally unearthed in 1864 by foresters digging out the roots of a tree near Frasnes-lez-Buissenal
Frasnes-lez-Anvaing is a Walloon municipality located in the Belgian province of Hainaut. On 1 January 2007 the municipality had 11,077 inhabitants. The total area is 112.44 km², giving a population density of 98.5 inhabitants per km²...

 in Hainault
Hainault is an area in the London Borough of Redbridge in north east London. It is a suburban development located north east of Charing Cross...

, Belgium.

Along with at least eighty uninscribed coins of types often found in Gaul and Britain and associated with the Belgic tribes of Morini
The Morini were a Belgic tribe in the time of the Roman Empire. We know little about their language but one of their cities, Boulogne-sur-Mer was called Bononia by Zosimus and Bonen in the Middle Ages. Zosimus mentioned the Low Germanic character of the city...

 and Nervii
The Nervii were an ancient Germanic tribe, and one of the most powerful Belgic tribes; living in the northeastern hinterlands of Gaul, they were known to trek long distances to engage in various wars and functions...

, which were dated by John Evans to ca. 80 BC, the hoard
In archaeology, a hoard is a collection of valuable objects or artifacts, sometimes purposely buried in the ground. This would usually be with the intention of later recovery by the hoarder; hoarders sometimes died before retrieving the hoard, and these surviving hoards may be uncovered by...

 discovered at Frasnes also contained two characteristically Gallic Late La Tène style gold torc
A torc, also spelled torq or torque, is a large, usually rigid, neck ring typically made from strands of metal twisted together. The great majority are open-ended at the front, although many seem designed for near-permanent wear and would have been difficult to remove. Smaller torcs worn around...

s, one plain with flattened-ball terminals, the other with repoussé decoration of a frontal bull's head among raised facetted scrollls some of which manifested a design repertory comparable to finds in Britain. The torc was constructed of sheet gold over an iron ring wrapped in a hard cement. There was also a ring "nearly 1⅝ inches in diameter", too large in diameter to be a finger ring, yet too small to be a bracelet or armband; it had continuous granular ornament of globules of gold soldered together round into outer face.
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