The Frankenteich is an old reservoir in the Harz Mountains of central Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

. It was constructed in 1716 under the direction of mining director (Bergwerksdirektor), Christian Zacharias Koch, for the mining industry and is the largest pond in the Lower Harz. Since 1901 it has supplied drinking water to the village of Straßberg. It impounds the Rödelbachgraben
The Rödelbachgraben, usually called the Rödelbach and also incorrectly referred to as the Rieschengraben, is a water channel that was dug for mining purposes and is the oldest fully functioning part of the Lower Harz Pond and Ditch System in the Harz Mountains of Germany...

, which discharges into the Selke
Selke (river)
The Selke is a right tributary of the River Bode that rises in the Harz Mountains of central Germany and runs through the northeastern Harz Foreland in the state of Saxony-Anhalt...

 in Straßberg. A mining ditch
A Kunstgraben is a type of man-made water channel that was once used by mines to drive the water wheels needed for power, mine drainage and a host of other purposes...

 runs past the foot of the dam from the Kiliansteich
Kiliansteich Dam
The Kiliansteich is one of the oldest dammed reservoirs in Germany. The reservoir is located near Straßberg in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt and supplies drinking water. It impounds the Büschengraben stream...

 which, like the Frankenteich, belongs to the heritage area designated as the Lower Harz Pond and Ditch System
Lower Harz Pond and Ditch System
Within the Lower Harz region are still many traces of the historical water management facilities used by the mining industry. In addition to water-carrying ditches and ponds, there are also long-abandoned ditches and dry pond beds...


The dam, which is made of argillaceous and quartzitic shale, is sealed with an internal core of grass sods. The earth dam was overhauled in 1973, but not raised. During the overhaul, a section was cut in the bottom outlet in the centre of the embankment and then replaced with a new seal of clay and silt and new pipework.

See also

  • List of reservoirs in Germany


  • Talsperren in Sachsen-Anhalt, Autorenkollegium, Hrsg.: Talsperrenmeisterei des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, 1994
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