Frank Hayes
Frank Hayes is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 musician prominent within the science fiction/fantasy
Science fiction fandom
Science fiction fandom or SF fandom is a community or "fandom" of people actively interested in science fiction and fantasy and in contact with one another based upon that interest...

 genre and culture known as filk. He is also an authority on information technology
Information technology
Information technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications...

 and, as senior news columnist for Computerworld
Computerworld is an IT magazine that provides information for senior IT leaders. It is published in many countries around the world under the same or similar names. Its publisher is International Data Group. Computerworld serves the needs of IT management via print and online...

magazine, has contributed numerous writings on the subject for more than two decades.

Frank Hayes began recording and performing in the early 1980s and is best known for his humorous songs. "Never Set the Cat on Fire", "Little Fuzzy Animals", "S-100", "Cosmos" (which was played for the astronauts during a shuttle mission) and "The Grandfather Clock" have become standards of the genre. His most prominent studio album Don't Ask included these tracks—other tracks on that album had to be withdrawn due to licensing issues, resulting in the release of another album, Never Set the Cat on Fire. He has won the OVFF's (Ohio Valley Filk Fest
Ohio Valley Filk Fest
The Ohio Valley Filk Fest, or O.V.F.F. is one of the largest filk music conventions . It is held annually in October in the Columbus, Ohio area...

) Pegasus Award four times, with nine additional nominations.

In a March 2006 Wired
Wired (magazine)
Wired is a full-color monthly American magazine and on-line periodical, published since January 1993, that reports on how new and developing technology affects culture, the economy, and politics...

magazine review of his performance at the October 2005 OVFF, he was described as a "50-year-old singer with thick glasses and a salt-and-pepper goatee". The article also mentions that the term "Frank Hayes Disease" is frequently used among filkers to describe the tendency to forget the tune or lyrics of what you are performing while you are in the process of performing it — even though you wrote the song in question.

In his other career, Frank Hayes is a highly-regarded expert on computer-based information systems and the myriad aspects of processing and managing technology. His column in Computerworld magazine has focused on these and associated topics for over twenty years. In 2010, he began a column and writing stories for, a site specializing in retail technology coverage.

Frank Hayes is married to Firebird Arts and Music founder Teri Lee and lives in Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland is a city located in the Pacific Northwest, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2010 Census, it had a population of 583,776, making it the 29th most populous city in the United States...

On April 4, 2009, Frank was inducted into the Filk Hall of Fame.

External links

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