France National Renewable Energy Action Plan
NREAP - France National Renewable Energy Action Plan
National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) were made by all Member States of the European Union in 2010. NREAPs include detailed description of how each Member State expects to reach its legally binding 2020 target for the share of renewable energy in their final energy consumption required by Article 4 of the renewable energy Directive (2009/28/EC). In these plans Member States set out the sectoral targets, the technology mix they expect to use, the trajectory they will follow and the measures and reforms they will undertake to overcome the barriers to developing renewable energy.
Wind energy:
Each SRCAE (Schéma Régional du Climat, de l’Air et de L’Energie) include regional wind energy plan with potential locations for onshore and offshore production. Overall target for wind energy in France by 2020 is 25 000 MW (onshore 19 000 MW, offshore 6 000 MW).
National energy company EDF or other energy company is obliged to buy the produced wind power from the specific locations for wind power (ZDE).
Feed-in tariffs in France for wind power are following:
(first 10 years) onshore 0,082 €/kWh, offshore 0,13 €/kWh
(after 10 years) onshore 0,028 – 0,082 €/kWh, offshore 0,03 – 0,13 €/kWh.
Solar energy:
Target for solar energy is 5 % (5400 MW) of renewable energies by 2020
Solar energy tariffs are based on markets and the size of the system
Unique feature in France is to prefer integrated solar energy systems with higher tariffs
Fond Chaleur: fund for supporting heat production of renewable energies (solar thermal included)
According to Grenelle 2, 50 % of renewable energy targets will be achieved by biomass
Bidding processes
Feed-in tariffs for bioenergy (only over 5 MW CHP-plants): 0,045 €/kWh for electricity, 0,08-0,13 €/kWh bonus according to efficiency and resource use of the plant. No tariff for produced heat
Fond Chaleur: fund for supporting heat production of renewable energies
National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) were made by all Member States of the European Union in 2010. NREAPs include detailed description of how each Member State expects to reach its legally binding 2020 target for the share of renewable energy in their final energy consumption required by Article 4 of the renewable energy Directive (2009/28/EC). In these plans Member States set out the sectoral targets, the technology mix they expect to use, the trajectory they will follow and the measures and reforms they will undertake to overcome the barriers to developing renewable energy.
Main targets in France
French national target for the share of renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in 2020 is 23 %. The expected total energy consumption in 2020 is 155,268 ktoe and hence the amount of energy from renewable sources in target year 2020 should be 35,711 ktoe. National Renewable Energy Action Plan sets a target of the share of renewable energies to be 27 % in electricity sector, 33 % in heating/cooling sector and 10,5 % in transport sector by 2020.Main incentives and laws in France
Grenelle de l’Environnement 1 (2007) and 2 (2010) are the basis for the action plan of renewable energies in France. France focuses on comprehensive improvement of energy efficiency and the use of all renewable energies will be increased. Each administrative division of the country has to compile a plan, SRACE (Schéma Régional du Climat, de l’Air et de L’Energie), with both qualitative and quantitative targets for the use of renewable energies. In addition, PPI (Programmation pluriannuelle des investissements de production d’electricité et de chaleur) is a plan to strengthen the energy sector and reach the targets set. One target in France is also to simplify the administrative processes and increase the amount of bidding processes related to renewable energies.Wind energy:
Each SRCAE (Schéma Régional du Climat, de l’Air et de L’Energie) include regional wind energy plan with potential locations for onshore and offshore production. Overall target for wind energy in France by 2020 is 25 000 MW (onshore 19 000 MW, offshore 6 000 MW).
National energy company EDF or other energy company is obliged to buy the produced wind power from the specific locations for wind power (ZDE).
Feed-in tariffs in France for wind power are following:
(first 10 years) onshore 0,082 €/kWh, offshore 0,13 €/kWh
(after 10 years) onshore 0,028 – 0,082 €/kWh, offshore 0,03 – 0,13 €/kWh.
Solar energy:
Target for solar energy is 5 % (5400 MW) of renewable energies by 2020
Solar energy tariffs are based on markets and the size of the system
Unique feature in France is to prefer integrated solar energy systems with higher tariffs
Fond Chaleur: fund for supporting heat production of renewable energies (solar thermal included)
According to Grenelle 2, 50 % of renewable energy targets will be achieved by biomass
Bidding processes
Feed-in tariffs for bioenergy (only over 5 MW CHP-plants): 0,045 €/kWh for electricity, 0,08-0,13 €/kWh bonus according to efficiency and resource use of the plant. No tariff for produced heat
Fond Chaleur: fund for supporting heat production of renewable energies
Key players in France
- The French Renewable Energies Association (SER)
- The French Solar Energy Association
- Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing
- French Environment and Energy Management Agency
- Regulatory Commission of Energy
- French Wind Energy Association (FEE)
- Windustry France
See also
- Energy policy of the European UnionEnergy policy of the European UnionAlthough the European Union has legislated in the area of energy policy for many years, and evolved out of the European Coal and Steel Community, the concept of introducing a mandatory and comprehensive European energy policy was only approved at the meeting of the European Council on 27 October...
- Renewables DirectiveRenewables DirectiveThe Renewables Directive is a European Union directive which mandates levels of renewable energy use within the European Union. Published 23rd April, 2009, its official title is 2009/28/EC...
- Directive on Electricity Production from Renewable Energy SourcesDirective on Electricity Production from Renewable Energy SourcesThe Directive on Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources is a European Union directive for promoting renewable energy use in electricity generation. It is officially named 2001/77/EC and popularly known as the RES Directive....
External links
- Official Commission page on the RES directive
- Official Commission page on renewable energy
- National Renewable Energy Action Plans
- "Renewable energy: the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources" - from the official “Summaries of EU legislation” website
- Template for the National Renewable Energy Action Plans
- Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
- Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States