Fowlkes–Mallows Index
Fowlkes-Mallows index is an external evaluation method that used to determine the similarity between two clusterings (clusters obtained after a clustering algorithm). This measure of similarity could be either between two hierarchical clusterings or a clustering and a benchmark classification.

The higher the value of the Fowlkes-Mallows index the more similar the clusters and the benchmark classifications are.


The Fowlkes-Mallows index, when results of two clustering algorithms are used to evaluate the results of a clustering algorithm, is defined as
where is the number of true positives, is the number of false positives, and is the number of false negatives.


Consider two hierarchical clusterings of objects labeled and . The trees and can be cut to produce clusters for each tree (by either selecting clusters at a particular height of the tree or setting different strength of the hierarchical clustering). For each value of , the following table can then be created

where is of objects common between the th cluster of and th cluster . The Fowlkes-Mallows index for the specific value of is then defined as

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