Formula (disambiguation)
In mathematics, a formula is an entity constructed using the symbols and formation rules of a given logical language....

, in mathematics, an entity constructed using the symbols and formation rules of a given logical language.

Formula may also refer to:
  • Formula (mathematical logic), a formal syntactic expression of a proposition, depending on its free variables (if any)
  • Chemical formula
    Chemical formula
    A chemical formula or molecular formula is a way of expressing information about the atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound....

    , a way of expressing information about the atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound
  • Formula (film), 1980 film
  • Formula (album),a 1995 album by metal band OLD
  • Trinitarian formula
    Trinitarian formula
    The trinitarian formula is the phrase "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" , or words to that form and effect referring to the three persons of the Christian Trinity.- Biblical origin :...

    , in ritual
  • Formula fiction
    Formula fiction
    In popular culture, formula fiction is literature in which the storylines and plots have been reused to the extent that the narratives are predictable. It is similar to genre fiction, which identifies a number of specific settings that are frequently reused...

    , the story fits a predictable form
  • Formula racing
    Formula racing
    Formula racing is a term that refers to various forms of open wheeled single seater motorsport. Its origin lies in the nomenclature that was adopted by the FIA for all of its post-World War II single seater regulations, or formulae. The best known of these formulæ are Formula One, Formula Two, and...

    , motorsport in which rules require the cars to conform to specifications
  • Formula language
    Formula language
    The Formula language is a scripting language used by Lotus Notes.It is often referred to as @Formula language because many language elements start with the @-character. Here is an example of a selection formula:SELECT @NoteId = "NT0050D26"...

    , Lotus Notes programming language
  • Infant formula
    Infant formula
    Infant formula is a manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies and infants under 12 months of age, usually prepared for bottle-feeding or cup-feeding from powder or liquid . The U.S...

    , baby-feeding substitute for breast milk
  • Epic formula
    Oral-Formulaic Composition
    The theory of oral-formulaic composition originated in the scholarly study of epic poetry, being developed in the second quarter of the twentieth century...

    , in oral poetry, a repeating sequence of words used for structure and as a mnemonic device by a poet
  • Formula Boats
    Formula Boats
    Formula is a boat brand owned by Thunderbird Products. Formula was originally a company founded by Don Aronow in 1962 in Miami, Florida. The first successful model was the original 233 Deep-V hull....

    , boat manufacturer in Florida
  • Formula, in Roman law
    Roman law
    Roman law is the legal system of ancient Rome, and the legal developments which occurred before the 7th century AD — when the Roman–Byzantine state adopted Greek as the language of government. The development of Roman law comprises more than a thousand years of jurisprudence — from the Twelve...

    , associated with each available remedy that determined how a suit would proceed
  • Bill of materials
    Bill of materials
    A bill of materials is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components, components, parts and the quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product...

    , in manufacturing, sometimes referred to as a formula
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