Form 6K
Form 6K is an SEC filing
SEC filing
An SEC filing is a financial statement or other formal document submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission . Public companies, certain insiders, and broker-dealers are required to make regular SEC filings. Investors and financial professionals rely on these filings for information...

 submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission used by certain foreign private issuers to provide information that is:
  • Required to be made public in the country of its domicile
  • Filed with and made public by a foreign stock exchange on which its securities are traded
  • Are distributed to security holders.

The report must be furnished promptly after such material is made public. The form is not considered "filed" because of Section 18 (for liability purposes). This is the only information furnished by foreign private issuers between annual reports, since such issuers are not required to file on Forms 10-Q
Form 10-Q
Form 10-Q, also known as a 10-Q or 10Q is a quarterly report designed to give a status of how a business is doing after three months of operation. These reports generally compare last quarter to the current quarter and last years quarter to this years quarter. The SEC put this form in place to...

 or 8-K
Form 8-K
Form 8-K is a very broad form used to notify investors of any material event that is important to shareholders or the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. This is one of the most common types of forms filed with the SEC...


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