For Every Punk Bitch And Arsehole
For Every Punk Bitch and Arse Hole by Hang on the Box
Hang On The Box
Hang on the Box is a rock music band based in Beijing. The band usually sings about sex and relationship issues in a forward political manner. Their record label is Sister Benten Online, based in Japan...

 was released on 6 October 2003 licensed by Sister Benten Online
Sister Benten Online
Sister Benten Online is a record label based in Japan. It is predominantly female, and features Oi! music. The operator of the label is Audrey Kimura. Since 1994, The record label has produced over 30 releases and are still going strong....

 on the labels Arrivederci Baby! and Cherry Red
Cherry Red
Cherry Red is a London-based independent record label formed in 1978.-History:Cherry Red grew from the rock promotion company founded in 1971 to promote rock concerts at the Malvern Winter Gardens...

. It was the band's European debut, made up of some of the best material from their previous albums, Yellow Banana
Yellow Banana
-Track listing:-References:****[ Allmusic Listing]...

and Di Di Di
Di Di Di
-References:****[ Allmusic listing]...

, complemented by the addition of an unreleased live recording.

Track listing

  1. No Sexy
  2. Kill Your Belly
  3. Bitch
  4. Heroin and Cocaine
  5. oooo
  6. Ass Hole, I'm Not Your Baby
  7. Motorcycle Boy
  8. What is Now?
  9. Now I Wanna Say My Apology
  10. I Am Mine
  11. Leave Me
  12. You Lost Everything But It's Not My Fault (Recorded live at Shinjuku Loft 18 April 2003)
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