Focus Grill
"Focus Grill" is the thirteenth episode of the fourth season
Home Movies (season 4)
The fourth season of the animated sitcom Home Movies is the final season of series. Originally began airing in the United States on the Adult Swim programming block for the television network Cartoon Network on November 11, 2003, with the episode "Everyone's Entitled to My Opinion"...

 and the series finale
Series finale
A series finale refers to the last installment of a series with a narrative presented through mediums such as television, film and literature. In many Commonwealth countries, the term final episode is commonly used in regards to a television series...

 of the American animated sitcom Home Movies
Home Movies (TV series)
Home Movies is a dialogue-driven American animated series that originally aired from 1999 to 2004. The plot surrounds eight-year-old Brendon Small , who makes films with his friends Melissa Robbins and Jason Penopolis in his spare time...

, and 52nd episode of the series overall. It originally aired in the United States on Adult Swim
Adult Swim
Adult Swim is an adult-oriented Cable network that shares channel space with Cartoon Network from 9:00 pm until 6:00 am ET/PT in the United States, and broadcasts in countries such as Australia and New Zealand...

 on April 4, 2004. In the episode, Brendon, Melissa, and Jason decide to finally film an ending to the first movie they did together.

"Focus Grill" was written by Brendon Small
Brendon Small
Brendon Small is an American sitcom writer/producer, actor, comedian, voice actor, composer, and musician...

 and directed by Loren Bouchard
Loren Bouchard
Loren Hal Bouchard is a writer, director, producer, composer, and voice actor for several animated TV shows and a co-creator of Home Movies . He is also the creator of Bob's Burgers-Biography:...

. Despite struggling with the knowledge of the show's cancellation since the start of the fourth season production run, Small noted that this final episode was actually an optimistic note for the series. The episode concludes with Brendon's camera breaking, which Small believed was a way to finally eliminate the hindrances of the character's metaphorical crutch.

The final episode received a largely positive response, with reviewers praising it for its sentimental, bittersweet way of concluding the show.


Brendon, Melissa, and Jason decide to start screening their movies in front of a focus group
Focus group
A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging...

 that consists of their schoolmates Fenton, Junior, Perry, and Walter. The group members harshly criticize this latest movie, and in the midst of trying to find the flaw in it, the three friends discover that the first movie they ever made together — in which they are a biker gang contemplating whether or not to fight an unknown adversary — is missing an ending.

The three cannot agree on a conclusion for the movie, so they decide that each of them will create their own, and then screen the three potential endings in front of the focus group. All of their endings, however, are harshly criticized. The three sit down and watch a reel composed of scenes from several of their film projects; they come to the consensus that their movies are designed only for them and should not actually be seen by anyone else. Meanwhile, Coach McGuirk volunteers to assemble Paula's large and complicated new grill, but he proves to be both incredibly inexperienced and largely incompetent at performing such a task. When McGuirk believes that he has finally completed the grill, he gathers Paula and the three kids together to witness its first ignition, but he ultimately causes a large explosion. The five go off on a drive, covered in soot, and Brendon accidentally drops his camera on the road, where it is run over by a car. He groans "oh no," and almost begins to tell the others about what had just happened, but ends up getting drawn into a conversation about where to go for dinner. The episode and series concludes with Paula, McGuirk, Jason, Melissa, and Brendon chattering about tapas
Tapas are a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. They may be cold or warm ....

, as Brendon's broken camera briefly shoots an empty road before the picture flickers and turns to static.


The episode was written by Home Movies co-creator Brendon Small
Brendon Small
Brendon Small is an American sitcom writer/producer, actor, comedian, voice actor, composer, and musician...

, and was the final episode of the series' production run. The episode was the fifty-second of the series, a number that allows for an even distribution of rerun
A rerun or repeat is a re-airing of an episode of a radio or television broadcast. The invention of the rerun is generally credited to Desi Arnaz. There are two types of reruns—those that occur during a hiatus, and those that occur when a program is syndicated. Reruns can also be, as the...

s of the series; Small noted that the technique is normally used on animated children's shows, though Home Movies is actually created for an adult audience
Adult animation
Adult animation is a term used to describe animation that is targeted at adults. Animated films and television shows may be considered adult for a number of reasons. Some productions are noted for experimental storytelling and animation techniques, or sophisticated storytelling...


Small knew before writing the episode that it would be the last. Mike Lazzo
Mike Lazzo
Michael Lazzo, , is a television producer and the senior executive vice president in charge of Adult Swim at Williams Street Studios....

, executive vice president
Vice president
A vice president is an officer in government or business who is below a president in rank. The name comes from the Latin vice meaning 'in place of'. In some countries, the vice president is called the deputy president...

 of Adult Swim
Adult Swim
Adult Swim is an adult-oriented Cable network that shares channel space with Cartoon Network from 9:00 pm until 6:00 am ET/PT in the United States, and broadcasts in countries such as Australia and New Zealand...

, had never "responded to the show" as Small had noted, which was in stark contrast to Vice President of Original Series Khaki Jones, whose enthusiasm over the series was what Small admitted to keeping it alive. During the production run for the fourth season, Lazzo had informed the crew bluntly that the season would conclude the series, explaining, "No matter what the numbers
Nielsen Media Research
Nielsen Media Research is an American firm that measures media audiences, including television, radio, theatre films and newspapers...

 are, no matter what happens – we're not going to bring the show back."

Having been informed of this definite end of the series' run, Small decided to write "Focus Grill" with the intention of it concluding the show. While penning the teleplay, he kept in mind the knowledge that "nothing positive [is] happening"; however, Small did admit that the final scene of the episode—Brendon's camera breaking on the road—was actually an optimistic footnote in the series' narrative. Small considers that now that Brendon is without his camera, "he doesn't need this crutch anymore. That he can actually start living his life as an actual earthling."

"Focus Grill", like all episodes, was directed
Animation director
An animation director is the director in charge of all aspects of the animation process during the production of an animated film or animated segment for a live-action film...

 by co-creator Loren Bouchard
Loren Bouchard
Loren Hal Bouchard is a writer, director, producer, composer, and voice actor for several animated TV shows and a co-creator of Home Movies . He is also the creator of Bob's Burgers-Biography:...

, and as with every episode of Home Movies after its first season
Home Movies (season 1)
The first season of the animated sitcom Home Movies originally began airing in the United States on the television network UPN on April 26, 1999, with the episode "Get Away From My Mom." Co-founders Brendon Small and Loren Bouchard, along with Tom Sydner, served as writers, executive producers, and...

, the episode was animated using Macromedia Flash. The Squigglevision
Squigglevision is a patented method of computer animation in which the outlines of shapes are made to wiggle and undulate. Tom Snyder of Tom Snyder Productions invented the technique, which his animation studio Soup2Nuts subsequently popularized in several successful animated series.Compared with...

 animation program is briefly used in one scene in the episode, where Brendon, Melissa, and Jason watch various movies of theirs from throughout the series, some of which are from the first season, in which the show utilized Squigglevision.


"Focus Grill" originally aired on Adult Swim, a cable network that shares channel space with Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network is a name of television channels worldwide created by Turner Broadcasting which used to primarily show animated programming. The channel began broadcasting on October 1, 1992 in the United States....

, on April 4, 2004. After the episode aired, Small received several e-mail
Electronic mail, commonly known as email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems required that the author and the recipient both be online at the...

s from various fans, who told him that watching the episode had made them cry. The episode received a largely positive response from reviewers. C.S. Strowbridge of The Numbers wrote that it was "able to really wrap up the series in a great way and show why the characters acted the way they did", and praised it for "[showing] some real character development." Pop Matters' Jesse Hassenger described it as both "bittersweet" and "hilarious".

Writing for his DVD Talk
DVD Talk
DVD Talk is a website for DVD enthusiasts founded in January 1999 by Geoffrey Kleinman when DVDs and DVD players were first beginning to hit the market.The site started as an online forum, an email newsletter, and a page of DVD news and reviews...

review of the show's tenth anniversary DVD boxset, Jason Bailey considered the episode "especially strong, drawing the series to a fine full circle, both structurally and thematically." Bailey conurred with Hassenger's description of it as bittersweet, writing: "It's an affectionate send-off, bittersweet and kind of wonderful and therefore perfectly in tone with this charming little show." Nate Meyers of Digitally Obsessed described it as the epitome of the show's various themes, including childhood, art, and family, calling it "a slightly nostalgic episode"; he considered it an excellent way to close the series, writing "Acting as probably both a reflection of the show's staff at the time and a final send off, I can't think of a better way to send Brendon Small and Loren Bouchard's creation into the sunset."

External links

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